
Call For Speakers – MIW 2021 Cybersecurity Innovation Track

Calling all cybersecurity professionals!  

Minority Innovation Weekend (MIW) is gearing up for its 5th year! MIW 2021 will occur on Saturday, October 2, 2021 and will be 100% virtual. Minority Innovation Weekend is a weekend summit dedicated to aiding innovators of color launch tech-focused startups, explore emerging technologies, and showcasing tech startups that have a founder or co-founder of color. Minority Innovation Weekend is looking for dynamic speakers for topics covering:

  1. Cybersecurity/Privacy in “Smart” Devices (e.g. Connected Home, Connected Office, Phones/Tablets, Wearables, Automobiles, IoT with 5G Network: The New Era of Technology and Risks) 
  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity (e.g. How to use AI to identify suspicious human behavior that may lead to cyber attack, Cyber Threat Intelligence) 
  3. Malware/Ransomware attacks (e.g. Governments, Healthcare, Schools, etc.) 
  4. Privacy & Data Breaches (e.g. What’s going on with your data?)
  5. Virtual Reality: Privacy and Security Risks 
  6. Cloud Security
  7. Social Engineering
  8. Biometrics and Cybersecurity (e.g. Multi-authentication, Tokens, etc.) 
  9. Cyber Entrepreneurship (eg. Starting tech-focused Cybersecurity startup) 
  10. Automation and Integration of Cybersecurity (e.g. Attacks on remote infrastructure such as the cyber infrastructure attack on Florida water plant) 

If you have expertise in any of these topics, please sign up to speak at Minority Innovation Weekend by completing the MIW 2021 Cybersecurity Track Call For Speakers via Google Forms. 

[maxbutton id=”7″ url=”https://forms.gle/ck7E9RgPqpQKSZuB9″ ]