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MIW Disruptive Podcast

MIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-011: Sesie Bonsi, Founder & CEO of Blue

MIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-011: Sesie Bonsi, Founder & CEO of Blue Sesie K. Bonsi is the Founder and CEO of Bleu (https://www.bleuco.com/). Bleu facilitates mobile transactions utilizing Bluetooth, low energy beacons.     Listen to the Latest Episode of the MIW Disruptive Podcast   About the MIW Disruptive Podcast The MIW Disruptive Podcast is …

ArticlesMIW Disruptive PodcastNews

The odds may be against you, but how bad do you want it?

New startup companies are created every day, but many don’t last. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA) about 90% of startups fail. Unfortunately, 10% of startups fail within the first year. Delali Dzirasa, the CEO and founder of Fearless technology was faced against the odds of failure when he started his business in 2009. …

MIW Disruptive PodcastNewsMIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-008: Dr. Freeman Hrabowski, President of The University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)

MIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-008: Dr. Freeman Hrabowski, President of The University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)

MIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-008: Dr. Freeman Hrabowski, President of The University of Maryland, Baltimore County Dr. Freeman Hrabowski has served as the president of The University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) since 1992. During his presidency more black students have earned bachelor’s degrees in science and technology from UMBC (www.umbc.edu) than from any other …

MIW Disruptive PodcastNews

MIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-007: Troy LeMaile-Stovall, CEO and Executive Director, TEDCO

MIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-007: Troy LeMaile-Stovall, CEO and Executive Director, TEDCO Troy LeMaile-Stovall has over two decades of experience in higher education, information/communication technology, investment management, and management consulting. Currently LeMaile-Stovall serves as the CEO of TEDCO, one of the largest hubs for technology companies in Maryland. More importantly, LeMaile-Stovall understands the importance of …

MIW Disruptive PodcastNews

MIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-006: Brisa Renteria, Founder and CEO, Improve Growth

MIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-006: Brisa Renteria, Founder and CEO, Improve Growth Brisa Renteria is an experienced sales selection strategist, and she previously worked for the largest sales training organization in the world. During her career, Renteria has trained over 5,000 sales leaders at technology companies like Microsoft. While working to find the best sales …

MIW Disruptive PodcastNews

MIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-004: McKeever Conwell, Founder and Managing Partner, RareBreed Ventures

MIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-004: McKeever “Mac” Conwell II,  Founder and Managing Partner, RareBreed Ventures Mac Conwell is an experienced software engineer and former tech startup founder. Currently Conwell is using his talents, investment philosophy and expertise to raise 10 million dollars for his venture capital firm, RareBreed ventures. RareBreed Ventures is closing in on …

MIW Disruptive PodcastNews

MIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-003: Monique Mills, MBA, PMP, Founder & Chief Strategist, TPM Focus

MIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-003: Monique Mills, MBA, PMP, Founder & Chief Strategist, TPM Focus Monique Mills received her undergraduate electrical engineering degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology and her MBA, with a concentration in Management of Technology, from the Georgia Institute of Technology.  After many years of corporate industry experience, she took the plunge and stepped …

MIW Disruptive PodcastNews

MIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-002: Dr. Sanna Gaspard, PhD, CEO, Rubitection

MIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-002: Dr. Sanna Gaspard, PhD, CEO, Rubitection Dr. Gaspard has a passion for entrepreneurship, healthcare, medical devices, and innovation. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering (BME) at the University of Miami in Miami, FL (‘04). She completed her Masters (’05) and PhD (’11) in BME at Carnegie Mellon University. …

MIW Disruptive PodcastNews

MIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-001: Black and Brown In STEM

MIW Disruptive Podcast Episode 2021-001: Black and Brown In STEM According to a Pew Research Center report, “the majority of STEM workers in the U.S. are white (69%), followed by Asians (13%), blacks (9%) and Hispanics (7%).” In this episode we discuss African American and Hispanic American experiences in the STEM workforce with Andres Marquez …