

The Minority Innovation Entrepreneurship Program (MIEP) / Minority Innovation Weekend (MIW) Innovation Marketplace and Pitch Competition (IM&PC) will showcase tech-focused startups that have been launched by a minority founder or by founding teams that include a minority co-founder. Teams participating in the IM&PC portion of MIW will have the opportunity to pitch to investors.


Each participating team should be an idea or early stage tech-focused company that have a minority co-founder or founder. A tech-focused startup is a company whose purpose is to bring technology products or services to market. These companies deliver new technology products or services or deliver existing technology products or services in new ways.


Each participating team will be provided a table in the MIW Innovation Marketplace. The marketplace will allow MIW attendees and judges to meet each participating team and to learn more about each startup company’s innovation. Each participating team will be provided a table with two chairs that they can use to highlight their startup.


Pitch Competition Format

Each team in the Innovation Marketplace will have 3 minutes to pitch judges and potential investors. After each pitch, judges will be given 7 minutes to ask questions.

Pitch Competition Grand Prize

The MIW 2019 Pitch Competition winner will win a 6 month membership to ETC’s Incubate Baltimore (https://etcbaltimore.com/incubator/). Incubate Baltimore provides member companies with the resources they need — access to seed capital, mentors, potential partners, a collaborative community, etcetera — to transform their big idea into a big deal, as quickly as possible. Incubate Baltimore has a team of C-Level Advisors that provides customized expert advice, guidance, and assistance in everything from management and marketing to legal and financial issues, and more. Incubate Baltimore also offers networking opportunities and connections to provide access to the widest community of entrepreneurs, investors and potential customers as possible.


Interested startups should sign up via https://forms.gle/Jn33Qq2rtRJgQeHm9.